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The Black Box (La caja negra)

The Black Box (La caja negra)

The Black Box (La caja negra)

Dir. Enrique "Kiki" Alvarez
93 min

About the film

Cuban filmmaker Enrique "Kiki" Álvarez's newest feature paints a slow-burning love story set in the years immediately following the Cuban Revolution in January of 1959. The Black Box is a secret diary written by Elsa and read by her granddaughter several decades later, a film about a young woman who finds and reads the experiential, emotional and political legacy that her grandmother has left hidden like a magical object. Featuring rare footage from the beginning of the Cuban Revolution.

About Minnesota Cuban Film Festival

The Minnesota Cuban Film Festival is organized by the Minnesota Cuba Committee, in collaboration with MSP Film Society and ICAIC (Cuban Film Institute). The Minnesota Cuba Committee is responsible for the film selection and program information. The 15th Minnesota Cuban Film Festival features films that address the achievements and challenges of the Cuban people through the eyes of its filmmakers. The festival highlights diverse and challenging films of social change, human struggle and the boldness of the human spirit. The festival starts Wednesday, February 28 and runs for five consecutive Thursdays through April 4, 2024.


Film Details

Program: Cuban Film Festival
Release Year: 2021
Runtime: 93 min
Country/Region: Cuba
Language: Spanish
Print Source: ICAIC (Instituto Cubano de Artes e Industrias Cinematográficas)
Tags: History


Director: Enrique "Kiki" Alvarez
Producer: Enrique Kiki Alvarez, Javier Gonzalez
Cinematographer: Nicolas Ordoñez
Screenwriter: Enrique Kiki Alvarez, Liana Dominguez Rivero
Composer: Felix Riera Ruas, Edgar Davila, Ulises Hernandez
Principal Cast: Anel Perdomo, Omar Franco