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About Dry Grasses

About Dry Grasses

About Dry Grasses

Dir. Nuri Bilge Ceylan
197 min

Samet is a disillusioned teacher working in remote Turkey. His casual and impetuous personality has not only left him woefully single but also responsible for misconduct with his students. As his affections, both inside and outside of school, lead him down a manipulative path, Samet is forced, perhaps for the first time in his life, to ponder his choices.

Assigned to work in a village in desolate East Anatolia, Samet teaches art to indifferent students. But one student, offended by something he’s done, accuses him of indecorous behavior. The only thing keeping him afloat is his new relationship with Nuray, another teacher. But when she confronts him for his narcissism, he questions his entire existence. From multiple Cannes award-winner Nuri Bilge Ceyla comes another profound film of contemplation.

Film Details

Release Year: 2023
Runtime: 197 min
Country/Region: Turkey
Language: Turkish
Print Source: Sideshow / Janus Films
Tags: Drama, Oscar Submission, SWANA Stories


Director: Nuri Bilge Ceylan
Executive Producer: Mediha Didem Türemen
Producer: Nuri Bilge Ceylan
Cinematographer: Kürsat Üresin, Cevahir Sahin
Screenwriter: Nuri Bilge Ceylan, Ebru Ceylan, Akin Aksu
Editor: Nuri Bilge Ceylan
Composer: Philip Timofeyev
Principal Cast: Deniz Celiloglu, Merve Dizdar, Musab Ekici, Ece Bagci, Yüksel Aksu