Mississippi Park Connection Presents: Wild & Scenic Film Festival: Wild Child (Family Friendly)
Mississippi Park Connection Presents: Wild & Scenic Film Festival: Wild Child (Family Friendly)
Mississippi Park Connection is honored and excited to bring the 22nd annual Wild & Scenic Film Festival, one of the nation's premier environmental and adventure film festivals to the heart of the Twin Cities' at The Main Cinema, Minneapolis, MN. All the proceeds from this festival are earmarked to support Paddle Share, which provides equitable assess to the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area.
This is a two part series, each showing is sold independently.
12:30PM: Wild Child, a 50 min Compilation of family friendly, youth centered short films to inspire activism and stewardship of the planet.
2PM: Water Tales Festival, 150 min mix of films curated by the Park Connection and National Park Service Staff highlighting culture, activism and stewardship around different bodies of water around the world.
Ticket Prices
$25 General (+ $2 online service fee) • $20 Member • $20 Student (+ $2 online service fee) • $15 Child (+ $2 online service fee)
Film Details
The Main 1