Àma Gloria
Àma Gloria
Cléo is a young Parisian girl essentially raised by a nanny, Gloria, whom the little girl loves more than anything. When Gloria’s mother dies and she has to return to Cabo Verde, Cléo must learn compassion and selflessness.
Cléo is a precocious Parisian six-year-old living with her widowed father. In reality, however, Gloria, her nanny from Cabo Verde is her parent, always there for Cléo, comforting and kind. When Gloria’s mother dies, she must return to the island to raise her own children, and Cléo is invited to go along. But for the first time the little girl will be called upon to offer up her own compassion and share the spotlight with other children. Louise Mauroy-Panzani’s work as Cléo has already been regarded as one of the great child performances in cinema history.