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Igualada with Translators short

Igualada with Translators short

Igualada with Translators short

Dir. Juan Mejía Botero
81 min

12th Cine Latino Film Festival

Thursday, October 10 at 5:00pm

Preceded by the short documentary Translators by Rudy Valdez. Proudly presented by U.S. Bank.


It is unusual to find life stories as inspiring and transformative as that of Afro-Colombian Francia Marquez. Her uphill journey from a rural activist to Vice President of Colombia is the one that director Juan Mejia Botero (Death by a Thousand Cuts, Official Selection – 2016 Cine Latino, Winner Documentary Award – SIFF 2016) patiently retraces. The camera follows Marquez through her days, enjoying the excitement when her original ideas seem to be working out, but more often than not, when she faces the insurmountable challenges wrestling a government and a society that have repeatedly failed her and her people. "Igualada" addresses the most notable events in Marquez’s career as a Colombian leader and politician, including never-before-seen scenes that reflect her character and moments of vulnerability. She revolutionized the socio-political landscape in Colombia transforming a derogatory term "igualada" into a pride banner that inspired millions. Mejia Botero’s years of documenting Marquez’s career, witnessing her evolution and passion come to fruition in this intimate portrait and historical document of a woman who learnt to subvert attacks on her ethnic origin, her social class and her gender, to fight for equality, freedom and social justice.

IGUALADA – En español

Es inusual encontrar historias de vida tan inspiradoras y transformadoras como la de la afrocolombiana Francia Márquez, y su arduo camino desde activista rural hasta llegar a ser vicepresidenta de Colombia. Este es el recorrido que el director Juan Mejía Botero (Death by a Thousand Cuts- Premio Mejor Documental -SIFF 2016) recorre pacientemente. La cámara sigue a Márquez a lo largo de sus días, disfrutando de la emoción cuando sus ideas originales parecen estar funcionando, pero mucho más a menudo, cuando debe enfrentarse con un gobierno y una sociedad que repetidamente le han fallado a ella y a su pueblo. "Igualada" aborda los eventos más notables en la carrera de Márquez como líder y política colombiana, incluyendo escenas nunca antes vistas que reflejan su carácter y momentos de vulnerabilidad. Marquez revolucionó el panorama sociopolítico de Colombia transformando un término despectivo: "igualada" en una bandera para la lucha que inspiró a millones. Los años que Mejía Botero dedicó a seguir la carrera de Márquez, siendo testigo de su evolución y pasión, dan origen a este retrato íntimo y documento histórico indispensable, de una mujer que aprendió a subvertir los ataques a su origen étnico, su clase social y su género, para luchar por la igualdad, la libertad y la justicia social.


Cine Latino returns October 9-13 to The Main Cinema for five days of Spanish and Portuguese language films, special guests, fiestas, food trucks, and more! The 12th annual celebration of the best Latin American, US Latinx, and Ibero Cinema pays homage to the longstanding film industries throughout the Spanish and Portuguese speaking diaspora by showcasing the diversity of their inhabitants, the immense beauty of their geographies, and the magic of their many cultures through the power of film.

Film Details

Program: Cine Latino
Release Year: 2024
Runtime: 81 min
Country/Region: Colombia, Mexico, USA
Language: Spanish
Print Source: Film Sales Company
Tags: Documentary, Indigenous Voices, Latino / Latin American Cultures, Politics, Women


Director: Juan Mejía Botero
Executive Producer: Felipe Estefan, Juan Pablo Ruiz, Paola Mendoza, Marco Williams
Producer: Juan E Yepes, Daniela Alatorre Benard, Sonia Serna Botero, Juan Mejía Botero
Cinematographer: Karen Gómez
Editor: Andrea Chignoli
Composer: Richard Córdoba


The Main 3

Thursday, October 10th