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Latinx Shorts

Latinx Shorts

Latinx Shorts

103 min

12th Cine Latino Film Festival


Sunday, October 13 at 2:00pm



Dir. Luciana Herrera Caso, Mexico, 2022, 17 min, In Spanish
A little girl tries to escape from the violent reality that surrounds her through a field trip to the moon, her teacher promised her.

Una pequeña niña intenta escapar de la violenta realidad que la rodea a través de un viaje de estudios a la luna que le prometió su maestra.

The Ballad of Tita and the Machines

Dir. Miguel Angel Caballero, United States, 2023, 14 min, English, Spanish
When an elderly fieldworker reluctantly hires a robot to fill in for her picking strawberries, she attracts the manufacturers' attention because their humanoids cannot do her back-breaking work.

Cuando una anciana trabajadora del campo, contrata a regañadientes a un robot para que la reemplace recogiendo fresas, atrae la atención de los fabricantes porque los robots no pueden hacer su agotador trabajo.

Border Hopper

Dir. Nico Casavecchia, United States, 2024, 14 min, Spanish, English
When a Latinx filmmaker is offered a dream job abroad, she discovers a supernatural way to navigate the U.S. immigration system and get the coveted travel permit she desperately needs.

Cuando a una cineasta latinx le ofrecen el trabajo de sus sueños en el extranjero, descubre una forma sobrenatural de navegar por el sistema de inmigración de Estados Unidos y obtener el codiciado permiso de viaje que desesperadamente necesita.

Chilly & Milly

Dir. William.D.Caballero, United States, 2022, 10 min, Spanish, English
An animated documentary of love and resiliency in the face of hardship that explores the director's father's chronic health problems and his mother’s role as his stalwart caretaker.

Un documental animado sobre el amor y la resiliencia frente a las dificultades, que explora los problemas de salud crónicos del padre del director y el papel de su madre como su incondicional cuidadora.


Dir. Gianfranco Fernández-Ruiz, United States, 2023, 14 min, English
Basketball connects Jerome to his long-absent father, though not in the ways he wishes. As he struggles to accept his shortcomings, Jerome questions what family is and who he'll become.

El baloncesto conecta a Jerome con su padre, ausente desde hace mucho tiempo, aunque no de la forma que él desea. Mientras lucha por aceptar sus defectos, Jerome se pregunta qué es la familia y en quién se convertirá.


Dir. Jennifer Kramer, Mexico, 2024, 34 min, Spanish, World Premiere
A Mexican woman starts a children's orchestra in hopes of saving the kids who fall prey to the drug cartel.

Una mujer mexicana funda una orquesta infantil con la esperanza de salvar a los niños que caen presa de los carteles de la droga.


Cine Latino returns October 9-13 to The Main Cinema for five days of Spanish and Portuguese language films, special guests, fiestas, food trucks, and more! The 12th annual celebration of the best Latin American, US Latinx, and Ibero Cinema pays homage to the longstanding film industries throughout the Spanish and Portuguese speaking diaspora by showcasing the diversity of their inhabitants, the immense beauty of their geographies, and the magic of their many cultures through the power of film.

Film Details

Program: Cine Latino
Runtime: 103 min
Country/Region: USA, Mexico
Language: Spanish, English
Tags: Animation, Documentary, Drama, Immigration, Science Fiction, Shorts


The Main 3

Sunday, October 13th