Shorts Program 08: Creative + Community

Shorts Program 08: Creative + Community
Shorts Program 08: Creative + Community
Films are listed here in screening order.
The Way I See It
Directed by Phillip Harder. United States . 5 min. Music Video. MN Made.
An audio-assisted experience with The Matt Arthur Contraption.
Memphis Blues
Directed by Khalid Ali. United States. 2023. 5 min. Documentary Short. MN Made.
Artist Seangarrison responds to the news of another Black man's murder.
Directed by Kevin Sullivan. United States. 2023. 8 min. Documentary Short. MN Made.
A community reconnects by creating quilts that reflect the spirit of love and justice.
No More Longing
Directed by Connor Lee O'Keefe. United States. 2022. 16 min. Documentary Short.
A Brazilian musician relocates to California to find their true self.
Dino Fish
Directed by Pam Colby. United States. 14 min. Documentary Short. MN Made.
An artist creates dinosaur fish to keep his demons at bay.
Uncle Bully’s Surf Skool
Directed by Leah Warshawski. United States. 2023. 39 min. Documentary Short.
An inspirational surfing instructor in Maui teaches local kids the way of the waves.